By: Erasmus Williams, Press Release
BASSETERRE, ST KITTS, May 12, 2022 - Saluting nurses around the world as a mighty force in leading the war against Covid-19 and other medical Illnesses, St Kitts and Nevis' Leader of the Opposition, the Rt Hon Dr Denzil L Douglas said without their sturdy commitment, dedicated caring and life risking ethics, the international healthcare infrastructure would have fallen apart.
"As a medical doctor, I am thankful that here in our beloved Federation, nurses have committed themselves to taking care of patients at home, in the hospitals, at our clinics and in the wider community with limited resources and under tough conditions. A few nurses have lost their lives in the process. We pause to say how thankful we are for the incredible sacrifices made," said Douglas in a message to mark International Nurses Day.
"Our gratitude shows up in numerous testimonies. Some of us will confess that Nurses have brought back countless patients from the brink of death. Others will say that Nurses have helped our family members face the inevitable, and still others will declare that Nurses have educated us, to embrace wellness practices through the wisdom of balancing a healthy diet, rest and exercise," he said.
Ponting to the theme for this year’s International Nursing Day: “Nurses: A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to secure Global Health,” Douglas the Federation's Second Prime Minister from 1995 to 2015 said "it captures the leadership roles and importance of our Nurses in this our global community."
He expressed the view that in St Kitts and Nevis, the federation's nurses are leading the future of healthcare by showing up every night and day, giving of their diverse talents in the most skillful manner, re-skilling themselves with the use of new technologies, and working with doctors and other healthcare providers, to ease the pain, and facilitate the healing of the sick and suffering.
"Our Government and Private Sectors must invest in the advancement of our Nurses and healthcare in general," said Dr Douglas. In a direct message to them he said: "To every Nurse who taught us, never to surrender our faith or peace of mind to diseases, we salute you. This is YOUR day! We shower you with respect and we give each of you our highest blessings, and longest praise! Happy Nurses Day to our Brave and Dedicated Nurses and also remembering the Retired and others who have passed on."

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