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Sandy Point Benevolent Society (SPBS) announces 2022 scholarships; invites applicants

By: (SPBS), Press Release

BASSETERRE, ST KITTS 26 MAY, 2022: The Sandy Point Benevolent Society (SPBS) has released its scholarship application information for 2022. Prospective scholars who meet the criteria may select from a pool of five (5) scholarships for undergraduate or graduate studies.

Graduates of the Charles E Mills Secondary School and the Verchilds High School are particularly encouraged to apply for these scholarship opportunities which range in value from US$1,000 to US$9,000. Stewart Williams, President of the SPBS expressed his delight at making these scholarship opportunities available. “We want to encourage our young people to take full advantage of these scholarships as they embark on their journey of higher education. We understand the challenges that COVID has created for the last two years and thank our benefactors for continuing to embody our motto: We give back so others can move forward,” he remarked.

Applicants for the SPBS/Verchilds High School Scholarship should be graduates of that school pursuing a college degree. The Sandy Point Benevolent Society Scholarship valued at US$1,000 is automatically opened to SPBS Principal Award Winners with a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher. The scholarship is applicable to undergraduate studies.

To qualify for The Ridley Guishard Memorial Scholarship, applicants must be native Sandy Pointers who are graduates of Sandy Point High School/Charles E Mills Secondary School. Two scholarships each valuing US$2,500 will be awarded to persons pursuing a Bachelor’s or higher degree. To qualify for this scholarship, the applicants must come from a “challenged socio-economic background of known financial and other needs.” Dr Hannah Guishard is the sponsor of this scholarship.

The Sir Hugh and Lady Claudette Rawlins Scholarship is available to persons pursuing graduate studies. It is opened to any graduate of SPHS/CEMSS with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or higher. Meanwhile the Monroe College Award is available for undergraduate and graduate studies and includes candidates studying online or at the St Lucia Campus. The scholarship value ranges from US$4,500 to US$9,000 and is based on Grade Point Average or CXC/Cape subject passes. A total of 6 scholarships are available to candidates who must be newly accepted to Monroe.

The application deadline for all the scholarships is July 10th, 2022. Each scholarship application should be submitted with an Essay that explains how the scholarship would assist and how the potential scholar plans to contribute to community or national development upon completion of their studies.

Application forms for all the scholarships are available on


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