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St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association celebrates Law Week 2021

Lawyers at Zion Moravian Church November 21 2021

By: SKN Bar Association, Press Release

[Basseterre, St Kitts – November 22, 2021] -- Annually, as part of its mandate to promote good relations within the legal profession and between the profession and the public generally, the St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association hosts a week of activities.

Under the theme “adjusting our lens and forging ahead” the 2021 edition of Law Week began on Sunday November 21 with lawyers in St Kitts attending the Zion Moravian Church and the New Testament Church of God in Jessups in Nevis for worship.

Activities continue on Monday November 22 with donations to the Flambouyant Nursing Home in Nevis and the launch of the Bar Association’s philanthropic partnership with the New Horizon Nursing Rehabilitation Center in St Kitts.

On Tuesday morning, the Bar Association will host a Continuing Legal Education seminar presented by Mrs Ermelin Sebastian-Duggins titled “Mortgages: What you should know.”

Also on Tuesday, November 22 at 4pm the Bar Association invites and encourages the general public to attend, by Zoom, its Virtual Public Lecture titled “Credit Reporting Legislative Framework for the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union” presented by Mr Kennedy Byron of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. This topic was chosen because the new credit reporting regime (commonly called “credit checks”) will affect all persons seeking loans from financial institutions throughout the ECCU. Zoom details can be found on the Bar Association’s Website ( and Facebook page.

On Thursday, numerous lawyers will attend the various High Schools in the Federation to speak with students about the legal profession and encourage those interested in studying law to be the “advocates of tomorrow”.

On Friday, the Federation’s lawyers will test their artistic skills guided by the renowned local artist Vaughn Anslyn who will host a Sip & Paint event at Cleveland Gardens, Charlestown, Nevis.

Law Week 2021, having started with a spiritual foundation, will end on Saturday November 27 with “Fit to Practice” physical activities to promote healthy living within the profession. In Nevis, lawyers will hike to the Lighthouse and in St Kitts, they will participate in a Hash at Romney Manor.

Throughout the week, the Bar Association will publish legal “did you know” tidbits to educate the public on various legal concepts that affect their daily lives on radio and our social media pages.

Updates on the progress of Law Week 2021 will be published to the Bar Association’s website (, Facebook and Instagram pages (@stkittsnevisbar)."


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